New Review! Sorceress (Prophecy Series #3) by Jessica Wayne 5 Cranky Stars

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
5 Cranky Stars

It's fantastic to read about Anastasia and Dakota again in their second book, continuing their journey into bringing Vincent to his knees. They had decided to travel to the other worlds to try and recruit other species to join them, but Vincent had been their first to most of them and if they didn't join him he destroyed most of their worlds. He always seemed to be 3 steps ahead of them which frustrated them both.

When going through the portal to take them to Vincent in Seattle, it was a trap, they had been betrayed. Tony and Dakota along with a great many of their army were kidnapped through Vincent's portals. Tony and Dakota were tied to a pillar while Vincent taunted them, beside him was the ailing sorceress who would not give into Vincent's demands. Vincent left to wage war on Anastasia and her depleted army. The sorceress had a enough energy to free Dakota and Tony who then gathered up the rest of the kidnapped army. He knew that he would need more help and enlisted his old precinct into going with them through the portal.

Many people and creatures had been slaughtered already when they arrived. Vincent being the coward he was, was trying to escape back to Seattle but the sorceress had enough power to stop him.When the sorceress dies Anatasia absorbs her power and leaving Dakota no match for her power.Is this the end of the story??? What no one else saw only Anastasia was Vincent morph into somebody else as he was dying!!!!!! You must read first book to be able to understand this book.
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