New Review! Breakup Boot Camp by Beth Merlin 4.5 Cranky Stars

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
4.5 cranky stars

This book was like a breath of fresh air. It was a different concept, after her breakup from a long relationship with Sam, Jo was persuaded to go to a breakup boot camp which was an idyllic place on the beach facing the ocean. It was a place to learn to love yourself and become the person deep inside. There were yoga classes and surfing lessons along with spa treatments including one I have never heard of but I won't forget it!!!!

Although a predictable ending it was well written and an enjoyable read, especially some of the antics she got up to with her new friends who were both celebrities in their own right, but everyone was there for the same reason and they made life long friendships.
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This sounds refreshing and compelling overall! Great review! :)
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