New Review! Unexpected Love by J.O. Mantel 4 Cranky Stars

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
4 Cranky Stars

Sighhhh. I don’t know how to rate this book or even review it. It has so much potential but it felt like so much drama was crammed into to make it emotional that it left me not feeling much at all. I had moments when I wanted to quit but pushed through. I hate the fact that at one point I didn’t care what was going to happen. It has a lot of death, abuse, realizing who you truly are and messed up daddy issues and that’s just to name a few.

Hunter is a fireman for New York. He was a first responder during the 9/11 attacks and it’s here he meets his future wife Bree. They have a good life together but getting pregnant was hard due to injuries from the attacks. When life finally grants them what they always wanted they dive headfirst into all things parenting. Fate had other plans for Bree and Hunter. Flash forward he is now raising his daughter and still a fireman. He has a steady group of friends including his best friend Andy. Hunter won’t allow himself to move on because he feels it’s a betrayal to her memory. He is also starting to recognize some very different feelings that he fights the whole time until he finally realizes maybe he finally deserves to be happy and you always fall in love with the least likely person.

I get that the author was building suspense about the person in question by not giving any clues away about the mystery person. Like I said I’m sure where to go with this book. It had good bones but I felt like we were all over and I needed a list to keep up. Hunter cried a lot and he was distant but I’m sure that’s understandable when you experience all that he has. He had a good core of best friends with Alex and Andy. Lily is simply adorable. Like I said had potential and maybe I just wasn’t in the frame of mind for it. Sorry.
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