Tuesday, April 21, 2020

New Review! The Fae King's Curse (Between Dawn and Dusk Series) by Jamie Schlosser 4.5 Cranky Stars

The Fae King's Curse (Between Dawn and Dusk #2)The Fae King's Curse by Jamie Schlosser
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4.5 Cranky Stars

All hail Queen Quinn! If only it was that easy though because many aren’t sold on the idea of a human queen including the current princess in the dark realm. Kirian just knows that Quinn is his mate fated or not. He has loved her since the moment he fell in that creek and she rescued him, but he had to buy his time because 1 day in her world is a year in his. When he finally gets her in his world, he learns that someone may not want Quinn for a queen and that triggers something in him that makes him furious and blood thirsty. You just don’t threaten a Kings love and expect to walk away. Quinn is still having doubts because her love for Kirian is so great, but she doesn’t want him stuck with the curse forever because he chose her. What happens next is a whirlwind adventure to find the long-lost witches, a trip into the shadowlands, and finally putting an end to this once and for all.

I really enjoy this series. I love how they just know they are mated and that there is no real fight on Quinn’s behalf about being in his world. Yes she will miss her parents but she has never felt like she fit in with the others. School was a hassle and she found solitude and happiness in the woods by her creek. I loved that Kirian stood up for her but also took her feelings and thoughts into consideration. He knew that running a kingdom would take them both not just him. My only real issue and it’s dumb I’m sure is that it reads at times like a YA then the sex scenes sound more like they are for someone older than our 17 year old Quinn. I know he is light years older than her in theory, but he is still very much young in the grand scheme of things. I love a good a sex scene don’t get me wrong but here it just feels off. Hey maybe that’s just me and I still loved the story regardless. I can’t wait for future books and it’s a good series to give me a break from all the normal human romance books.

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