Thursday, July 16, 2020

New Review! The Heir of Arcadia by Deborah Adams and Kimberley Perkins 5 Cranky Stars

Heir of ArcadiaHeir of Arcadia by Deborah Adams


What a curious tale of Sy-Fy and Romance. Have you ever wondered why teens and young adults play video games day in and day out? The concept in this story is not new but the author made you feel like you were reading something unique. After all, we have all those books and movies where the kids play video games and then the military pulls him in to fight a space war. It is a scary concept. But what if you spend your whole living a lie. I kept looking for Julian to wake up from a dream. Julian has spent most of his life playing a war game video game on an alien planet against alien warriors. In this story, Julian takes over his father’s company after the power outage and war. His father and mother had been killed. The board of directors are not happy, especially Cid. Cid ran the department of special projects with huge overruns and money losses. No explanation given so Julian demands the files. Cid gives him boxes and boxes of paper files. To help him get through all this, he asks an agent of U.N.I.D, a long-time friend, to help him. She just happens to be a great spy. Lots of complications in this relationship make the whole setup uneasy. Well, she helps him alright, right out to New Mexico with other friends in tow. What they find changes everything and almost takes their lives.

This is totally a book of “I didn’t see that coming” moments. It also was an I cannot put it down book. The ending leads me to believe we may have a sequel. I personally would love that.

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