Thursday, April 4, 2019

New Review! Enthralled (The Enslaved #1) by Giana Darling 4 Cranky Stars

Enthralled (The Enslaved, #1)Enthralled by Giana Darling
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4 Cranky Stars

A very descriptive book and intriguing story line. Not for the faint hearted.

At 18 Italian Casimo was a virgin being sold by her father to pay off his gambling habit and involvement with the Mafia. She was going willingly with the promise that her mother and siblings would be left alone and her father did not return to them. She was sold to Alexander Davenport, Earl of Thornton who took her back to England after he had made sure she was a virgin. She soon learnt good behaviour was rewarded and soon fell into the life of Master and slave.

Then her life is thrown into turmoil again when 'The Order' come on the scene. She was put through so much including torture, a hunt where she was the golden fox and humiliation. But oh what a tangled web we do weave, when her former life starts to come into her present life. The relationship between her and her Master was getting slightly blurred which is not good for her health and well being. This book takes you on a rollercoaster ride.

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