Tuesday, April 2, 2019

New Review! Why Fi Vol 1&2 by William Quincy Belle 3 Cranky Stars

Why Fi Vol. 1&2Why Fi Vol. 1&2 by William Quincy Belle
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

3 Cranky Stars

Why write this book is a better question. It is a compilation of 15 short sci-fi stories, but they are more like “Twilight Zone” episodes. Some are short and some are a little longer, but they all leave you wondering what you had just read. I’m sure some of the men might like these stories but as a woman who loves sci-fi, this didn’t cut it.

I really don’t know how to review this book. My favorite story was “The Calling”. However, it is an updated reincarnation of the book “Logan’s Run” into a short story. I had no doubt what the final scene would be, but nobody ran to escape, they accepted their fates.

Another story was titled “The New Smartphone Ultra Plus”. Now that was also a pretty cool story. Young lady on subway listening to her music on her new smartphone suddenly starts hearing people’s thoughts. If she points the camera in their direction, they come in loud and clear. It’s fun and games until she thinks she hears a man plotting a murder. Of course, she chases him when he gets off the subway. She must find a way to stop him. Surprise ending.

The last story that was tolerable was titled “The Closet”. I found this one funny. Suppose that everyday you get your clothes out of the closet but today you step into it and Boom! You fall through a hole into a strange land with strange characters. Like I said, funny!

That’s about it. One story is called “Boring as Hell” and I totally agree.

View all my reviews


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