Friday, April 22, 2016

New Review! This Too is Love by Anya Monroe, 4 Cranky Stars

Okay. Where to start? This book was like holding reality. At times it was heart warming. Other times, heart wrenching, messy and complicated.

The story centers on Beatrix "Trixie" who has never experienced love and looks for it in all the wrong places. Her sense of self is limited. Her sense of worth is non-existent. She longs for things many of us take for granted and doesn't believe she deserves.

After a hook up, Trixie discovers she's pregnant and begins a journey of self-discovery.

On paper, it is not my usual choice of book, but I'm so glad I read it. Parts of it are difficult to read. It certainly pushed some of my buttons and made me question fundamental aspects of my own preconceptions on how people who have never experienced love or nurturing make sense of their world.

This is a brave book. It's more experiential than enjoyable, but it is highly recommended.


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