Saturday, June 10, 2017

New Review! Civil War by G. Miller, 4 Cranky Stars

Civil WarCivil War by G. Miller
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

**** 4 Cranky Stars ****

This is the first book I've read by G. Miller and in the Nephilim Chronicles Series. I have to admit, coming into it without the requisite background, it took me a while to get into the story and work out the characters and the world I was in.

In saying that, this is an intriguing world with fully fledged characters. In some ways, I was reminded of Luke Cage and Django, not in terms of similar storylines or characters, but in terms of thematics.

Dr. Athena Johnson, a newly minted PhD, wants to help her people. In the midst of a drug epidemic, she runs Jacob's ladder to save addicts and victims.

Her twin brother, Apollo, wages war with Artemis Harris, the only manna supplier in the State and also, a white supremacist.

As the war draws closer, Athena becomes a target. Her normal stance is to seek peaceful resolution, but this time that might not work. What path she chooses will dictate the future of the community she is determined to protect.

There is a lot to like about this book. It's multi-layered and much of the issues the author explores in the work have relevance to social and political climates - both current and past. It's not easy to classify: there's political intrigue, supernatural, thriller, action, and filled with diversity.

As an aside, I loved the nods to the Greek and Roman Gods in the Johnson children's names. It fed the geeky historian in me. And as a proud member of a martial arts family, I did enjoy the fight sequences that often felt cathartic.

The characters are likeable and relatable, the issues important and the storyline is unique. Recommended.

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