Tuesday, March 3, 2020

New Review! Madame Fiocca by Suzy Henderson 5 Cranky Stars

Madame FioccaMadame Fiocca by Suzy Henderson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


This is historical fiction based on the life of Nancy Wake. She was a decorated war hero in France during WWII. Born in Australia, she was a restless young girl who yearned to travel. When her Aunt left her money, her dreams came true. She had left home at 16 and trained to be a nurse. Once she started traveling, she knew she must find other skills. Soon she started studying to be a lawyer and then a journalist. Being a journalist allowed her to travel to France where she fell in love with the country and the people.

This unfortunately was happening as Hitler came to power. No one believed France would fall but fall it did. She escaped back to England where she became a spy and went back to France. There she became a vital part of the resistance. This story is full of suspense. Life was difficult for Nancy from page 1 through the end. There is a wonderful synopsis of the real Nancy Wake at the end. I must say, this author did a wonderful job making you feel you are a part of this story. The struggles were real and some incidents horrible, but the people of France found an inner strength and survived. I could not put this down and feel it is one of the best historical fiction novels I’ve read.

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