Tuesday, April 7, 2020

New Review! Kiss Me With Lies (Twin Hearts Duet #1) by S.M. Soto 5 Cranky Stars

Kiss Me With Lies (Twin Lies, #1)Kiss Me With Lies by S.M. Soto
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Cranky Stars

Wow! This has a fantastic story line going through it leaving the book on a massive cliffhanger.
Maddison and Mackenzie were twins they were normal twins while growing up always there for each other. As they got older and Madison had the great looks, great body, great at everything and Mackenzie grew to be the opposite. Madison was horrible to her sister and did her down whenever she could. Everybody loved Madison and Mackenzie just stay in her shadow.

There was a beach party at the end of term which Madison had told Mackenzie she couldn't go to as she wasn't invited, but Mackenzie's only friend convinced her to go. When they got there they sat on a log by the fire. Her friend asked if she minded if she went and mingled for a while and Mackenzie said she would be OK where she was. There were 5 good looking lads who went by the name Savages, Kenzie had a bit of a thing for Trent.

She sat on the log drinking beer as she really didn't want to be here, when all of a sudden Trent was showing her some interest. They walked to the edge of the beach, here he kissed her and told her to meet him at the kissing rock later.

When Madison saw Kenzie with Trent she went mad and dragged Kenzie home where they had yet another fight. Kenzie told Madison that Trent was going to meet her at the Kissing Rock. No way was that happening so Madison crept out the house that fateful night to meet Trent at the Kissing Rock from then on in the book it jumps to nine years later. Now the lies begin, a very twisted book I loved every page of it.

Don't want to give spoilers away, but believe me the cliffhanger at the end is fantastic and I want to read the next book ASAP.

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