Thursday, May 7, 2020

New Review! Through the Lens by K.K. Allen 4.5 Cranky Stars

Through the LensThrough the Lens by K.K. Allen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4.5 Cranky Stars

Through the Lens got me out of a book funk. When the pandemic hit, and we were told to stay home I thought yay I can catch up on my books! Sadly, that wasn’t the case, but I tried and slowly read a few before I got to this book. I always know K.K. Allen will take me on a ride with her words and I was glad I sat on this one because I felt this was the right time to read it. I will admit I wasn’t sold on Maggie at first in fact I felt she was too whiney and witchy with a B until the middle of the book and maybe that was her growing and standing up for herself for once. Desmond is the ultimate book boyfriend I mean he can cook a meal like a boss among other things.

Maggie is a model with plans for acting stardom but sadly this doesn’t come to fruition. She finds herself in Seattle crashing at her younger sister Monica’s apartment and forced to take cooking classes to appease Monica. At first, she is attracted to the handsome chef who runs the cooking school but then realizes he has close ties to her past and immediately hates him and does all she can to push him away. Desmond was intrigued by Maggie when he first met her. She was so put together but he could see under her mask. She fought him at every turn and when he is given the chance to help her out, he takes it. This cooking school is everything to him and he has big plans for it. He just hopes they don’t kill each other before they have a chance to find solid ground.

I’m sad it took me long to read this book. Normally I breeze through this authors books because she pulls me in. I really didn’t connect with Maggie for the longest time she was just too combative to me. I understand her mother was a momager and put her dreams in Maggie’s head. I did like Desmond he was a genuine good guy. He helped his dad and was close to Coach. I can just picture his hair up standing over a hot stove and then using his camera to capture amazing photos. I do like that Maggie did grow up though so she redeemed herself there. All in all another winner from K.K. Allen

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