Tuesday, November 3, 2020

New Review! The Bone Carver (The Night Weaver #2) by Monique Snyman 5 Cranky Stars


The Bone Carver (The Night Weaver Book 2)The Bone Carver by Monique Snyman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Cranky Stars

The Night Weaver spooked me so I was equally excited to read The Bone Carver. I cleared my reading calendar so I could dive into this book feet first no distractions. I couldn’t stop myself from reading page after page telling myself to slow down and savor it. I also don’t suggest you read this book at night in the dark because some parts are downright spooky and just gross. One scene reminded me of an earlier Supernatural episode and even that made me gag a little. I didn’t have a cute little ball of Fae light named Ziggy to keep me company or protect me from the creepers.

Rachel Cleary is just trying to make her year at high school go by. It all starts when she totally panics during the ACT test and it all goes downhill from there. Her mom once again starts acting strange along with several people in town. Then they start finding bone carvings of students and townsfolks foretelling of bad things to come. It’s when she finds one of these bone carvings, she starts a tentative friendship with Mercia one of the popular girls. Her and Dougal find themselves going into the deep dark parts of the high school that have been abandoned where they really learn what awaits them. Rachel also learns there are others in her town that possess abilities that she was unaware of. A trip to a Fae realm to fetch Orion, citizens gone murderous and mad, a new student who isn’t what he seems to be, an injured family friend, and ultimate betrayal and loss is what awaits Rachel, Dougal, Orion and Mercia. Shadow Grove is once again the epicenter of a very supernatural encounter.

I wish I could say more! I want to wax poetic about so many little things about this story, but I can’t for fear I’ll give something even minor away. You must read book one before you jump into book two. Cam you are gross plain and simple!! Seriously guy gave me the heebies since he was introduced. I adore all things Mrs. Crenshaw I want to be her in my old age. I liked that she had made a friend in Mercia despite it all. Dougal is the best friend/cousin any girl can have. Orion I really want something to brew between him and Rachel. Is it too much to ask? Probably so seeing as how the story ended. Once again, I don’t think I like Jenny Cleary very much maybe she had a reason, but she went about it all wrong. I’m so suggesting these books to my friends who love all things spooky and Fae lore that takes a trip to the dark side. Also, can I just ask in the words of the famous Janosz from Ghostbusters “Why am I dripping with goo?”

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