New Review! Hindsight's 2020 by Multiple Authors 4 Cranky Stars

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
4 Cranky Stars

I have to say that it is always hard for me to fairly review an Anthology. There is always one or two stories that are great, one that is too long, one that is too short, and one or two that are not so great or just MEH. That being said, here is my best shot.

The first story, "I Should Have Known", really grabbed me from the first and will stick with me for a long time. The writing was great and the storyline was unique. This one was more of a horror story and was definitely creepy.

The second story reminded me of Native American mythology. It was well-written and thought provoking. Then, there was a tale that combined a world living through a pandemic with a ghost story. This one was well-written and entertaining. I always enjoy a different perspective on current events and this one did a good job of it.

For me, "The Library of Abraham", a cyberpunk tale involving cryogenics, was too long and the ending really didn't satisfy me at all. The story was sort of rambling, then it was like the author had to hurry up and finish it. In fact, even when I read the words, "The End", I had to go back and reread the last few pages to see what I had missed.

Another unique tale was "Hindsight's 2020", which involved Chimeras. This one was pretty entertaining and very different from anything I had read before. The next story was more of a mafia tale than anything fantastical. In fact, there was nothing paranormal/sci-fi or horror about it, just a bunch of people that I would never want to meet out to kill each other for money.

Another story that had an unsatisfactory ending was "II Timothy". The story had promise and it was pretty good, then it just ended. I find that this seems to happen a lot with short stories for some reason.

"The Tower" was another pretty creepy story. It was well-written and let the reader make up their own mind as to what was really happening. The last story in the book, "Methodical Madness", was another well-written, thought-provoking story. It touched on mental illness and was emotional to the very end. Another one that will stick with me for a while.
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