Tuesday, June 22, 2021

New Review! Camden Walker: Apartment 8C (Wreck Me #2) by Aly Stiles 5 Cranky Stars


Camden Walker: Apartment 8C (Wreck Me, #2)Camden Walker: Apartment 8C by Aly Stiles
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Cranky Stars

“Violet.” He says softly. “Love is Violet.” Y’all, she did it again. I’m laying here with a cold and full of tears over Camden. He’s the most complex yet relatable character yet. I wasn’t expecting this side of him and sure at times I didn’t utterly understand him, but I got it. I guess like Olivia, she just understood him. Without pretense or expectations, she just understood him on a core level. I felt this relationship and I feel better having read it.

Olivia had a cushy life. She had a box she kept to it and didn’t deviate from that path. She did her job and came home to her cat Freckles and was ok just being the sister to Claire. She didn’t find herself particularly attractive or exciting, but she made do I guess you can say. One thing that was certain was that she was in love with Camden. You see Cam was Claire’s ex-boyfriend who she so carelessly tossed out when he no longer fit her narrative. When presented with an opportunity to return artwork to Cam she jumped, and boy did she jump. Cam has had a rough life. Being a starving artist isn’t easy, but his pain is much deeper and from that he has kind of shut himself off from his feelings. He’s just happy to coast and do his art. He doesn’t want a career just a job to feed his art habit. He wasn’t expecting Olivia though. He has never truly understood feelings and emotions and is just different. That different is what draws Olivia to him and in the end him to Olivia. He likes that with her he sees colors and for once in his life he is warm.

Ok I always say you can tell Aly Stiles writes from a place of knowing but man she really hit it out the ballpark with this one. It can be complex and maybe hard to understand at times if your brain doesn’t think of that level. I connected because I felt for Olivia, yet I also understood Cam at times. Sometimes its nice to just shut off feelings and emotions and just go on with your day. Not healthy sure but needed, I think. So yes, once again read this book and prepare to be blown away. Can I give it more than 5 stars? I feel there should be exceptions to this rule!!

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