Wednesday, September 8, 2021

New Review! Tempest (The Veil Chronicles #1) by C.J. Campbell 4 Cranky Stars


Tempest (The Veil Chronicles #1)Tempest by C.J. Campbell
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4 Cranky Stars

This book kept me guessing from the beginning. It kept rolling smoothly along. I liked it. I would recommend it to others.

Imagine thinking all of your life you are just a normal person, well as normal as can be with disabilities, and then one day all that comes crashing down. You are “beyond normal”. For Lexi, that’s exactly how it was and how it happened. The parents that Lexi thought where her parents really aren’t, they are just charged with keeping her safe until the time comes for Lexi to know who she truly is.

Lexi started College in a new town because her “parents” figured it would be safe. She meets a boy named Connor and Connors dad is a Professor, Professor Donoghue and Killian who helps at the college and helps Connors family. Lexi is visually impaired and Connor is in a wheelchair and Killian has a speech impediment. All are of something else.
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This was a good book. Can’t wait for the next one. I would recommend this to people.

View all my reviews


At September 8, 2021 at 8:39 AM , Blogger CJ Campbell said...

This review was so much FUN! I love cranky reviews they are the best. Thanks so much for giving 4 cranky stars to Tempest #honourd


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