Tuesday, December 25, 2018

New Review! Beyond Paradise by Barbara Nolan 5 Cranky Stars

Beyond ParadiseBeyond Paradise by Barbara Nolan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Cranky Stars

A view into Mobster life, Cheryl was no stranger to a hard life she tried her best to look after her brother, but he was in and out of jail for petty things. She was trying to get them both away from this area, but things don't always work out as planned. She was in a relationship with a lowlife gambler, Nicky and wanted out of that too. She worked in a seedy dirty club, but Nicky had taught her the art of pick pocketing the punters. All her money went to him but she always managed to save a bit for her escape.

The first time she met Jonny he was collecting debt money from Nicky, she had let on the he had more money than Nicky had told Jonny. This ended up as a fight in the ally, she had a knife on her and was only meant to warn him off cos she wanted out. Nicky was having none of it and in a scuffle he fell onto the knife, she ran away scared but decided to go back and check on him only to witness the big Boss Frank slit his throat.

From there on Cheryl's life took a downhill spiral, the only good thing was Jonny. They started having a very serious relationship but what with his involvement with clubs and Frank it was doomed. Blackmail, lies, deceit, secrets and emotions running very high throughout the book. Very cleverly written by the author it has you on the edge of your chair wondering what was going to happen next. A recommended read.

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