Thursday, May 30, 2019

New Review! Chasing Souls by Tia Silverthorne Bach 4.5 Cranky Stars

Chasing SoulsChasing Souls by Tia Silverthorne Bach
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4.5 Cranky Stars

This is a good versus evil story. It is also a story about werewolves, angels, witches, demons, vampires and other strange creatures. I enjoyed it immensely. It is basically a YA novel, but it will be loved by all ages. It rates 4.5 stars because there is a series before this. The events in that series are constantly referred to and that leaves one wondering. In the author notes at the end, the previous series is mentioned. If this had been noted in beginning, I would have started there. It is a stand alone novel, but I like to read all stories containing the characters in order.

This is a story about 17 y.o. twins Jackie and Maddie who just happen to be werewolves. Maddie is headstrong and in love with a vampire. Jackie is quiet and reserved. They love each other deeply even though their temperaments are completely different. Both girls and their younger brother are home schooled so while Maddie has Gunner, Jackie has little hope of ever finding true love (or so she thinks). There is many secrets in this family that requires they stay hidden and away from most humans. The girls are about to find out that their lives are much more complicated than they could have ever imagined.

The live on a compound hidden in the mountains but evil has found them and is out for revenge. Unbeknown to the girls, there is a military bunker under their home. Their Dad works alongside the human military when needed. The demons that are now on their threshold are a new species and more powerful than ever. The whole family must fight together to solve the mystery of why and the humans and angels join this fight. Lots of good old-fashioned clean action and relationships.

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