Tuesday, July 30, 2019

New Review! Lizzie Borden by Elizabeth Engstrom 3 Cranky Stars

Lizzie BordenLizzie Borden by Elizabeth Engstrom
My rating: 3 of 5 stars


I was really looking forward to reading this book. However, it turned into a very tedious read. Historical fiction should be a little more exciting to read. Many of the events were repeated over and over from chapter to chapter which was confusing and time wasting. The concept was very good, showing Lizzie as mentally ill since a young age because of her sister’s abuse. In fact, even sister Emma was mentally ill. Why else would Lizzie have killed her family? Perhaps if the author had included more about the aftermath and trial, it would be more interesting.

This author portrays this whole family as mentally ill. She constantly writes about how poorly they live even though the father is a shrewd businessman. They live in a weirdly configured house with no second-floor plumbing. A disagreement with an employee has Mr. Borden overly protective, thus all doors are always locked. The food situation is borderline starvation except for baked goodies and cookies.

Thus, poor Lizzie who wants for more freedom and normality becomes somewhat rebellious. She took a six-week trip to Europe with church friends and befriended an English lady. They correspond on a regular basis, while Lizzie mopes about her terrible living conditions. Things just drive Emma and Lizzie to their wits end when good old Dad threatens to change his will. It took forever to get to this point in the book and several times I was tempted to just quit reading. As I said before, it is too drawn out with too much unnecessary info that is often repeated. If you are not comfortable with homosexuality there is a tiny amount. This book was just not for me.

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