New Review! Hurt Me (KKinky Collections Series) by Ker Dukey and K. Webster 4 Cranky Stars

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
4 Cranky Stars

Xavi is a rockstar through and through. Groupies and drugs and alcohol is flowing but for Xavi it’s a way to hide his problems. His very deep rooted problems since the loss of his friend Lex. When his label assigns a hard nose detective to watch over him to make sure he doesn’t mess up anymore than he has he doesn’t expect the feelings he has when around Blaine. Blaine recognizes something in Xavi something dark that needs his saving or his brand of hurt. With Xavi resisting who he truly is and Blaine dishing out his own brand of pain to chase the demons away it becomes a cataclysmic moment and it’s oh so sexy.

Phew someone get me a fan!! I mean we are experiencing a heat wave here in the south but these two are naughty naughty. It’s more than just kinky sex it’s about truly accepting who you are and finding an outlet for your pain that doesn’t require self harm. My only real issue with this book was Blaine calling him boy all the time. Like I know it was meant to be a nickname for him but it just sounds like something someone’s dad calls them or along those lines. A quick steamy read that will have you rooting for Xavi and Blaine and the boys of Berlin Scandal.
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