New Review! Stud Muffin (Donner Bakery #2) by Jiffy Kate 4.5 Cranky Stars

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
4.5 Cranky Stars

Tempest Williams, sorry don’t throw anything at me, Tempest Cassidy finally lives up to her name and her red hair personality. Tempest is the Duchess of Muffins and a bonafide cardigan wearer and she’s also a people pleaser so when she catches her husband of 8 years doing the unspeakable, she loses it in an epic way. She channels her inner Angela Basset in Waiting to Exhale among other things. Girl goes for it big time. Tempest is the biggest storm Green Valley has ever seen. She goes on a drown your sorrows mission at the Pink Pony and it’s here she meets Cage Erikson. She tries to keep it as friends but when a man with so many abs and the mythical V on his hips who can keep him away. Slowly she finds her true self and invites Cage along for the ride.

Cage Erickson AKA The Fighting Viking is an ex MMA fighter. A career ending injury has him questioning what he wants to do with the next stage of his life. He takes his friend Hanks offer to come to Green Valley and decompress and figure things out. While bouncing at the Pink Pony he sees a fiery red head on the bar who shouldn’t be there. He soon learns that Tempest Cassidy is a woman scorned and finds himself drawn to her. He settles for being her friend and even escorting her to the dreaded ten-year reunion where she must face her past and hopefully keep her out of jail. He soon learns he loves Green Valley and knows he could do some good there and sets up shop. He will woo Tempest and move at her pace, but he will have the girl.

Asher and Mindy are trash with a capital T. They deserve each other and he gets what he deserves at the end. Oh Cage Erikson swoon! I love me a good Viking. I mean who doesn’t? I liked that he moved at her pace and he seen such good in her. He didn’t see her reputation around town or her rap sheet he saw a beautiful woman with a big heart who can bake a killer muffin. Cage wanted Tempests muffin (giggle giggle) Tempest is the daughter of Butch Cassidy made me chuckle. I think I would have the same reaction as her I mean I’m knowing for throwing things when I’m beyond angry. I figure it’s better than the alternative and that’s laying someone out. The Amazonian pregnant religious freak that was Anna had me dying she was always so scandalized!! This was a fun series that really made me want to bake muffins and watch some Vikings on tv because that’s as close as I’ll get to a real life one.
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