New Review! Anguish Unfolds (Nature's Fury #1.5) by A.E. Faulkner 4 Cranky Stars

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
4 Cranky Stars

"This is not a world I belong in. Nowhere is truly safe anymore."
This book is a companion book to the first book in the series, "Darkness Falls". This series is about two sisters, Quinn and Riley, who lose their parents after a freakish earthquake hits and tears their world apart. Riley is kidnapped by their neighbors, Jim and Dan, and Quinn is determined to find her sister at all costs.

In "Darkness Falls", the author tells Quinn's story of tracking down Riley. In this short book, she tells Riley's story as she is taken further away from Quinn by the two brothers.
After reading the first book, I wasn't sure about this one. The books were described as Dystopian, but are actually Apocalyptic since they deal with natural disasters and how people might try to survive. Once again, at times I felt like I was watching a B-horror movie since the main protagonist, Riley, does so many dumb things and is basically helpless to get herself out of a bad situation. Also, she learns a lot of things about Jim from his brother and her reaction to those are out of line with the rest of her personality (in my opinion).

By the end of the book, she has matured a little and even makes the comment that she needs to get stronger in order to be able to survive. The book does have quite a bit of tension in it between Riley and her kidnappers and also as they encounter other people who are even worse.
Both of these books are set-ups to more books in the future and I could see a lot of books being written from various character's viewpoints. My opinion of these books might be tainted by how many others I have read in this genre. Not a bad series, but nothing new as far as I could see.
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