New Review! Ruthless Knight (Royal Hearts Academy #2) by Ashley Jade 4.5 Cranky Stars

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
4.5 Cranky Stars

I’m warning you this book is big and will more than likely rip your heart out several times over. You’ll rage at how horrible Cole Covington is what a vile mean messed up person he is until you reach that pivotal point in the book where all the pieces fall into place. You feel for Sawyer and her body issues because at one point you knew what It was like to have someone make fun of your weight. I was the opposite Sawyer though just a girl way too skinny that must mean she starves herself. Cole Covington is full of self-hatred and anger. This is the story about the king of Royal Hearts and the bible thumper. Buckle up Buttercup because you are about to go on one heck of a ride.

I really don’t want to do some massive review for fear that I will give something away. I will say this book will rip your darn heart out a million times over though and make you really reflect on how you see yourself. I raged for Sawyer and Cole and all the injustice they put themselves through and what others did to them. I HATED Cole for most of the book and I honestly put the book down several times because despite anticipating what was going to happen next, I couldn’t handle his attitude. In some way it felt like it was happening to me and I was disgusted. I can see how women love him though because don’t we all want to save the bad boy? I’m sure Ruthless Knight will trigger some people and that’s fine not every book is for everybody. The character of Sawyer seems like she might have been given some of the authors personal problems because she seemed so real. I must say that takes guts so bravo lady! Cole did have his redeeming moments especially when he said “Because without her…there is no me”. I would say the only thing that stood out to me that was unrealistic, yet I haven’t been a teenager in forever is all the adult level sex these kids have. It was almost more college or grown level and that kind of took me out the story at times, but I kept on. So, go into this book with an open mind and an open heart.

“How come lies are so beautiful and the truth is always so f&*^ing ugly?”
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