New Review! Beautifully Hurt by Michelle Heard 4.5 Cranky Stars

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
4.5 Cranky Stars

Quinn has loved Eli since she was a young girl. Content to watch him from the shadows (not like in a creepy Joe Goldberg sort of way) and live her simple life running a store with her best friend Katie. One day Eli takes notice of the beautiful woman in the shop across the street. Boy asks girl on a date boy and girl fall for each other. Life is good until tragedy strikes. Quinn must move on from her hurt and Eli must help her navigate these tough times. Eli knows this wont be easy but he will do what he can to keep her safe.

This book was brutal and heartbreaking. Quinn went through it but came out the other side determined to live. I adore Eli and hiw he didn't run he stood by her side. We see a set of characters from another book as well. Warning though if you don't like violence because this book has it in spades but the love outweighs it all.
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