Thursday, April 26, 2018

New Review! Threats of Sea and Sky by Jennifer Ellision 3.5 Cranky Stars

Threats of Sky and Sea (Threats of Sky and Sea, #1)Threats of Sky and Sea by Jennifer Ellision
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

3.5 Cranky Stars

I am the type of person that needs action from beginning to end. Well if the first couple of pages are a little slow, I’m ok as long as it picks up. With that being said, once the story got past the annoying “royals” who came to find the person they were looking for, the story started to move a little more.

It still took it a while but once it got into who was who and what happened, the lies, traitors etc it got more and more interesting. The main character seemed to evolve around Breena Rose, at times with the way the story was going, there could have been a couple of main characters. The story has that circle of characters that are always involved and intertwined with each other and, like I said, once it got going, I was hooked on the story.

Breena Rose was brought up in a little town and raised by her Da. Her mother was said to have died in childbirth. Breena and her Da are taken by the King's right hand woman back to the Kingdom of Secan. Once there, Breena learns that her Da was part of the King’s army and the life that they have been living is a lie. Little by little Breena learns who she can trust and who is on her side. She also learns that she has a power, the power of water, that has not been around for 17 years. Breena must learn to control it to help herself and the ones that are with her. Prince Caden is a Ryder, he controls wind, he too is wants freedom. Princess Aleta is Fire and the King is using her so he can gain control of her Realm. What the King thinks he is doing and what is actually true are two different things. As usual nothing is ever as it seems to be.

The other thing is Prince Caden is interested in Breena, but you can’t really tell that. Hes hardly around and when he is, it’s more Breena who has the feelings. The ending however, not cool. This shouldn't deter anyone from reading this story. It has its positives and its negatives. I just wished I could have enjoyed it a little more.

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