Thursday, October 18, 2018

New Review! Finn Nightsider and the Edge of Evil (Finn Nightsider #1) Mary Fan 5 Cranky Stars

Flynn Nightsider and the Edge of Evil (Flynn Nightsider, #1)Flynn Nightsider and the Edge of Evil by Mary Fan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Cranky Stars

This is a 5 star story of a postapocalyptic America. There are demons, magic and a caste system in place. The Triumvirate has shielded the cities with protective domes to keep out the demons.

However, the demon activity is increasing. Our hero Flynn is a member of the lowest caste and is essentially a nobody. He lives in the Fourth Ring but because he has been an orphan since age 10, he attends the Academy. Which means, he gets a basic education, housing, food and the pleasure of cleaning up the Academy.

Flynn has always wondered what really happened to his mother. He was with her when she was killed but he doesn't understand what happened. All he remembers is the mysterious voice that called to his mother. Now, on the sixth anniversary of that day, as he helps the school prepare for the annual celebration of the Day of Glory, he hears that voice again. With his best friend by his side, he sets out on a quest to find the name of that person with revenge on his mind.

What he finds will turn his world around. He has never been allowed to learn magic or how it works but must use it now to find his answers. He also never knew about the Rising and the Defiance. His life becomes tangled with both these movements. His naivety may just get him killed by both movements. Sometimes a need for revenge can get one into more trouble. Will his one sided view of life cause the downfall of his world? Just who were his parents anyway and which side did they really fight for? The twists and turns seem to never end in this fast paced thriller.

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