Tuesday, August 27, 2019

New Review! Breaking Everly by K.L. Jessop 4 Cranky Stars

Breaking EverlyBreaking Everly by K.L. Jessop
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4 Cranky Stars

Breaking Everly is a tale of great love and an even greater loss. It will tug at your heart and you start to feel what Everly and Adam are going through. Their happy moments and their low moments. Your heart will break right along with them but you find yourself cheering for them to come through the other side stronger than they were before.

Adam has always loved Everly since the moment he laid eyes on her. She rocked his world with a simple smile and he knew she was it for him. Sure, love is always we will be together forever at 14 but Adam just knew Everly was his forever. His home life wasn’t great his mom was unhappy in a second marriage and his stepbrother was pure evil. He had taken the fall for him many times but the day he met Everly that all stopped and caused an even bigger riff and even more sinister plans to develop in Jamie’s head. Everly loved Adam he was her forever. She had the perfect boyfriend and perfect home life with two loving parents that were her everything.Life was going so good and on the greatest night of their lives it became the nightmare she couldn’t wake from. She was withdrawn and sullen and she is unsure how to proceed with life. Flash forward ten years and her and Adam are staring down the barrel of their past and trying to figure out how to move forward and make all those future plans a reality with such a heavy burden hovering over them. Love and loss are all Everly and Adam know.

I really did like this book and I noticed only one inconsistency that stood out for me. Despite the circumstances and the way it was described in the book Adam should have noticed what happened with Everly the next morning. I don’t want to get into it because it might be a spoiler but hopefully the author knows what I’m talking about. I hated hated hated Jamie. I mean loathed him he was a useless human being and deserved far more than what he got. I really liked Everly she was vivacious and I think coped to the best of her ability even if that made her sullen and hiding in her apartment bleeding her pain on canvas. Adam is the one that I felt had the best reactions. He felt so much anger, yet he loved her so much he just didn’t know how to act. This book isn’t light and fluffy it’s full of pain and rage but underneath it love prevails.

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