Tuesday, October 15, 2019

New Review! Defy Fate (Fated Duet #1) by Abigail Davies 5 Cranky Stars

Defy Fate: (Cade & Aria: Easton Family Saga)  (Fated Duet #1)Defy Fate: (Cade & Aria: Easton Family Saga) by Abigail Davies
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Cranky Stars

Well this book was depressing and maddening and made me want book two like right now. I wasn’t sure what I was getting into with this book and I love that. I thought it might be sad and deal with mainly the age difference between Cade and Aria but it was so much more. This book might be a trigger for some but it must be read. You might just find a bit of yourself in Aria. I know I did. Her epic breakdown was reminiscent to some I’ve had. Just please go into this story with an open mind and a few Kleenex.

Aria has been scarred by her father’s mental illness. She was put through so much and was even the sole witness to his demise by his own hand. She now carries that with her into her current life and is failing miserably. She feels adrift and alone. Her mother is of no use because she is the type to sweep it under the rug and ignore the issue. Jan is starting a new life with Sal and a new diner and Aria feels left behind. When a blast from her past shows up as her world history teacher, she is conflicted. He quiets the noises in Arias head but it’s taboo for them because of their age difference and being her teacher despite their family’s years long friendship. Cade is back home. Having suffered a tragedy himself he finds himself teaching back at his old high school. He lives with his demons and self-blame. It’s in his class he comes upon a familiar name and low and behold it’s Aria. He feels a connection and knows that they share a pivotal moment in time. At one point he was her only friend. He knows it’s wrong and against so many rules, but he can’t help himself. He tries to save Aria from herself repeatedly all while trying to look like just a friend and teacher on the outside. It all comes to a head when Ford gives him some very sobering advice. Now with the pivotal epic moment of Arias spiral in the rearview he is struggling to keep them above water but not all secrets are meant to be kept between two people.

I hated Jan. I know it’s just her twisted way of coping but man pushing things down doesn’t solve anything. She needed therapy herself. Jasmine and Willow are both mean girls. They are just the lowest of the low. I hated girls like them in high school. Think it’s just ok to treat people like crap. Ok deep breaths no need to get cranky about it! I didn’t care about the age difference between these two I was cheering them on. I think they heal each other. Now there were some scenes that made me cringe and I felt I had to skip them. I felt it when she felt it that’s how descriptive it was. I can’t wait for book two to get some closure and I know they have a bumpy ride ahead but I hope they come out the other side smiling and healing.

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