New Review! Type X (Project W.A.R. #2) by M.A. Phipps, 5 Stars

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
**** 5 Cranky Stars ****

Two years had passed since Wynter voluntarily returned to Dr Richter and the DSD. So much had happened to her and she’s barely recognizable as the Wynter we met in Ultraxenopia.

One glaring difference was this Wynter had full control of her abilities. Through Richter, the State had taken advantage of her powers by turning her into their very own Angel of Death. She could kill or strike anyone, anywhere with a single thought. No amount of power could stop or destroy her. Yet surprisingly, Richter was able to control, if not tame, her.

Then in a sudden turn of events, Wynter reunites with Ezra and Jenner. But the monster that she’s turned into somehow managed to subdue any memories she had of them, as well as turn her into this barely human creature.

The group of resistance, Phoenix, “rescued” her from the clutches of the State and she found herself serving another master with a different mask intent on taking control of the leash she was tethered to.

I found myself gripped with the story once again as it opened up full of action and suspense. I ached for the loss of the Wynter I’ve grown to love in book 1 and feared that she was forever lost.

The story was told in Wynter’s POV with her memory loss quite predominant from the beginning which resulted to almost no background history from book 1. You definitely need to re-read Ultraxenopia before you dive in to avoid confusion.

Now that Wynter had developed all her abilities, everyone wanted to use her. The distinction between the Good Guys and the Bad Guys blurred so badly I didn’t know if there was anything good left in their world.

Aside from Ezra and Jenner. Thank God for these two.

Still, chaos seemed to follow Wynter everywhere until she found herself faced with the vary scene she hoped to prevent. Even the glimmer of hope that was dangled teasingly to her caused her downfall.

Oh, this author is cruel for baiting me with more action and drama with the promise of book 3! And like an addict, I’ll be waiting impatiently for the next one!

Highly recommended.

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