New Review! Slashes in the Snow (A Baum Squad Novel) by M. Never 4.5 Cranky Stars

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
4.5 Cranky Stars

Slashes in the Snow is the story of how Kira AKA Snow and Ky AKA Slash meet. Sorry not that Slash for all my guitar loving followers.

Ky is now the President of the Baum Squad MC. He was given this position when his father Gerard renounced his title to marry the love of his life. The relationship between father and son is rocky so when Kira shows up at the Lions Den asking for help, he immediately wants to laugh. He feels Kira is part of the reason why his father abandoned him so why help her. When he starts to notice that maybe just maybe something is really happening with her, he offers his help. He stays at her palatial mansion and the sparks he feels he thinks are purely sexual. Little by little the woman he dubbed Snow, because she seems as pure the driven snow, chips away at his harden exterior and he starts to contemplate letting someone love him.

Kira’s life is happy and safe and she’s mentally healthy. Her mom is married to Gerard and it gives her hope from the once bleak past she endured. When she starts noticing things are amiss in her house from clothes being moved to windows unlocked, she starts thinks she is losing her mind. With the parental units out of town she turns to Ky. When he shuts her down, she realizes she’s in a fight for her life. Kira starts to fall for the naughty bad boy with a sarcastic mouth. The boy who gives her rides up and down the Malibu coast on his Harley will end up being her saving grace.

I was on the edge of my seat at the end there. I refused for it to end any other way. The chemistry between these two was explosive. You felt every touch and every kiss. I was honestly screaming just do it already.

Ky is rough. His temper is something to behold. Kira was strong and knew how to handle herself. I wanted to hate Hawk. I know he was just helping his Prez out but dude keep the nose in your business. My only complaint with the sex scenes was the oddly placed “big” words and descriptions. The book as a whole I enjoyed and I can’t wait to see more of the Squad.
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