New Review! A Love Story (Stories #1) by Abrianna Denae

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
3.5 Cranky Stars

This is going to be a hard review to write. The subject matter is heart breaking and the love between Alex and Jamie touches your heart. At times I just wanted to reach into the book and hug them. No one should have to experience violence at the hands of a family member because they are gay or even threats on the street. What Alex and Jamie go through is a very real issue that many face to this day.

Alex and Jamie have been best friends since they were 8. At 17 Alex finally decided to tell Jamie how he really felt and amazingly those feelings were reciprocated. Their moment was short lived when Jamie disappeared and his older brother showed up to do something no 17 year old should face. Alex was faced with a broken heart and a broken body worried his dreams of playing music would die right along with his heart. Jamie had to endure some tragic stuff as well. From gay bashing to his horrid family and a cheating lover he has been through it. Over the course of 10 years they live their broken lives and wonder what if. When an ad is answered for a room to rent, they connect and relive the turmoil of their lives and face the very real feelings they still have.

This book was very hard to follow. It bounces all over. I know it’s going back in time but when one chapter is Alex at 17 then suddenly its Jamie at 27 it makes you have to stop and think and it gets confusing and frustrating. I liked that Jamie had Rhys but they were way too codependent and it didn’t seem healthy In my mind. I mean Rhys had his own house but he still spent most of the time in Jamie’s bed in Alex’s house. I don’t think gay guys going around calling each other twink all the time. I’ve always viewed it as a derogatory term. Jamie and Rhys seem to be on the side of feminine gay and I admire their dedication to their look.

Also, for a published book the formatting was way off and wonky and it made it hard to follow. Someone telling someone something was so broken up it was like wait who’s talking. I admire the author for tackling a male male book who has never written one before and such a sensitive topic. It has such potential to be an awesome story but it was just too all over for me to really enjoy.
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