New Review! Death Watch (Soul Reader #2) by Annie Anderson

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
5 Cranky Stars

Ho. Lee. Forking. Shirtballs. I didn’t see that coming like not at all not even a little bit. Maybe I should have picked up on it but I didn’t. When I got to that moment and if you read it you know my mouth dropped open. Kudos girl you pulled a fast one. You also ripped my darn heart out for a bit as well. I want to be like Sloane when I grow up.

Sloane is just getting used to having a team at her back. She doesn’t know what to make of her newfound life but she’s adjusting. She is still out there seeking answers and kicking butt while doing it. When a mysterious letter appears only signed from X she knows she has been found. Now Sloane must protect her new family while learning the truth about herself. On top of all that is her burgeoning relationship with Bastian. She learns he is the most important person in her life, and she would follow him to Hell and back if she must.

Once again didn’t see that coming and I’m here for it. This should be epic and I’m excited to see how the author pulls this off. I’ll say it again I love Bastian. I mean the man is a mountain with a giant heart. The whole crew is amazing and even bone kitty Isis. I can’t wait for book three to see how this all weaves together.
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