New Review! Children of the Knight by Michael J. Bowler, 5 Cranky Stars

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

***** 5 Cranky Stars *****
Legend would have it that Merlin proclaimed that Arthur Pendragon was the now and future king, and that the would again return when Britain needed him the most.

When Arthur awakes after being reincarnated in a chamber deep beneath modern day Los Angeles he does so with a mission, because in the city of Angels chaos is king, street gangs roam freely, Politician and police corruption ran rampant through crime ridden districts and the school system stumbled downhill. Most affected by this sorry state of affairs are the children and the teens, the hope of the next generation.

Late one night, 14 year old, skateboard enthusiast, loner, runaway lance is set upon in an alley by 2 gang bangers who are out to kill him when Arthur atop his white mare Llamrei and in full armor appears to save Lance. He takes the boy home with him and sets about winning his trust and shares his mission with the boy, to rebuild the Knights of the Round table, targeting the children of LA as his future knights.

Arthur gathers to him hundreds of disenfranchised children, run aways, gang bangers, abused children, even child prostitutes. With Arthur they receive unconditional acceptance, love and a positive role model. Arthur teaches them the arts of hand to hand combat with swords and bow and arrow and the arts of chivalry.

I connected with this novel at a visceral level, probably because the author's values and mine regarding children are the same. I wish that this work of fiction could in fact become reality.
It should then be no surprise that I rate this book with 5 stars
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