Tuesday, August 25, 2020

New Review! The Heir (Spinner Saga #2) by KJ Moullen 5 Cranky Stars

The Heir (The Spinner Sagas, #2)The Heir by K.J. Moullen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


This is book 2 in a series. I read Book 1 and thoroughly enjoyed it. To fully understand the characters and story line in this book, read book 1 first.

Blaine is a young girl who has followed her mother to another dimension. Up until that night, she had no idea this could happen. Now she has found herself in a cage with metal bars like a circus animal would be found in. She has no memory of how she got there nor who she is. The bars as she cruelly found out give off a shock if touched. Then, there are the strange creatures that appear to be guarding her. They have sticks like cattle prods that shock also. What has she gotten herself into and why? A smaller creature comes along late at night and tells her who she is and that he will rescue her. He also tells her not to eat or drink anything he doesn't give her. Soon the adventure begins. He rescues her and turns her over to someone who claims to know her. She still has no idea as to who she is and why she was captured. They travel far and wide constantly on the run from the creatures that had captured her.

I can't say much more without putting in spoilers. It is a long journey before her memory starts to return. Life is never easy and if you are looking for happy, fairy tale ending, this isn't the series for you. I gave it 5 stars even though parts of it seemed very similar to other books I have read recently. I'm looking forward to a third book.

View all my reviews


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