New Review! 10,000 Bones by Joe Ollinger 5 Cranky Stars

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
5 Cranky Stars

Another good science fiction book. Only complaint is that it takes place in the future on other planets but every character appears to be human. There really must be other life out in space somewhere if we can make it out there.

In this case, the planet is called Brink. It has become overpopulated on Earth and many of the citizens have chosen to emigrate to other planets to start their own businesses. Brink was originally the planet to go to even though it was low on calcium, flora, fauna and water. It was the last frontier so to speak but, space travel has advanced and Brink has become just a stopover.

Things on Brink have always been hard but now they are worse. The natural supply of calcium is running out. It is used as currency due to its rarity and ownership is strictly regulated. This has led to many people selling their bones and bodies for money for their family.

Taryn Dare is a Collections Agent and fights to stop the illegal trade. When a Board Agent finds discrepancies in the calcium logs, Taryn offers to work with him to find the leak. The deception goes much deeper than either of them ever thought it would and their investigation becomes a matter of life and death.

Spellbinding story that keeps one on the edge of your seat. Definitely a can’t put it down type of story.
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