New Review! Torn (All Torn Up #1) by Carian Cole 4 Cranky Stars

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
4 Cranky Stars

I was on the fence with this book and my rating. It wasn’t that Tor was her pseudo uncle and the fact that he helped raised her it was just the beginning of the story was kind of all over. It annoyed me how many times she had to say I’m rich, but I don’t act rich. It was like ok we understand. Something about 17-year-old Kenzi rubbed me the wrong way but she grew up and I learned to respect that.

Kenzi has grew up on tour buses and surrounded by people. Her childhood wasn’t typical, but it wasn’t bad just different. Her parents met and fell in love at 15 and shortly after had a baby. She basically grew up with her parents just like she grew up with Tor who was 15 years older than her. She becomes older and unsure what to do with her life but she knows she wants the conventional life of being a wife and a mother and having the house and pets. When she starts to look at Tor in a different way she knows it will be a struggle and her father will lose his mind over it. It all comes to a head and decisions must be made.

Toren Grace has always loved Kenzi from the minute he was placed in his arms by his best friend Asher. It was never that kind of love just a protective need to help her. He’s seen her in every stage of her life. He always rescues her and buys her a pet bunny when she lost her favorite toy one. He has sacrificed so much of his own life for everyone else he isn’t sure how else to be. His love life isn’t much to write home about with Lisa being a snob and Sydni being psychotic. He starts to realize that he wants a girl like Kenzi but he knows the age difference and the fact that he raised her is holding them back. One kiss is all it takes and he knows they are headed for destruction and he can’t let her go.

Like I said this book was odd. He’s this kick butt motorcycle guy who punch people in the face without a moment’s notice and he rescues animals. Like a lot of this book is Tor traipsing through the woods and dodging traffic to rescue strays. Kind of strange. Kenzi had a unique ideal about how she wanted to live her life. She had a very giving heart and at times I felt she was naïve. I did feel a little weird reading a memory of Kenzi and Tor then it landing us with him doing something naughty with her. It’s not taboo they aren’t related and I have read worse things. I guess the best part was that they fought it and felt remorse and took time to really think it through. Interesting read.
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