New Review! The Beautiful Ones by Kody Boye 4.5 Cranky Stars

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
4.5 Cranky Stars

Imagine if you will a world where being beautiful got you everything you ever dreamed of. A safe secure place to live, people doing your bidding at every whim and the like. That is what this book is about yet it’s much more sinister. I hate to compare it to the Hunger Games but in a way it’s like that instead of going off to fight in some competition there is a competition where your area is judging young girls on their beauty except if you are chosen you are to leave your life behind for the Glittering City. This is the story of Kalendra.

Kalendra was told from a time when she was little that being a Beautiful One was a great honor. Her and her mother scrape to get by while her dad is off fighting in a great war. When her time comes up to be judged she is nervous and filled with trepidation. She doesn’t want to leave her life behind, but she has been raised for this moment. When she finds herself in the capitol, she finds it increasingly harder to keep her mouth shut and her eyes down when she learns her true purpose. She is to marry Daniel Cross a fellow Handsome One despite not knowing him at all and they suddenly become targets for the rebel army. Her life is spiraling out of control and she doesn’t know who to trust anymore.

I’m not going to lie this book was different. It’s been a while since I read a dystopian novel so it took me a bit to get into the swing of it. I liked that Kalendra knew her cause and what she wanted to fight for. I can’t wait to watch her grow as the books go on. I like that Daniel is actually a good person at his core so at least she has a friend in him. I just hope Ceyonne comes around though. All in all a good start to a dystopian world where being beautiful has its advantages and it’s price.
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