New Review! A Chip on Her Shoulder (Magical Romantic Comedies #11) by R.J. Blain 4 Cranky Stars

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
4 Cranky Stars

Darlene, a hybrid human/animal shifter, seeks revenge for thugs turning her brother, Jonas, into a chipmunk. She goes through the proper channels to seek aid from the angels, but they tell her they do not have the ability to do so, but a favor for a favor and they will tell her who can turn him back into humanoid form. She agrees and discovers that it's the Devil who can do it; so she decides to take over Hell to get her revenge. The Devil falls in love at first sight of her spots and allows her to rule him and his domain. She is sassy and determined and ends up with 2 angels and the Devil wrapped around her fingers.

The banter and pranks are endlessly funny. The only reason I took off a star was the excessive use of the word "spots", her spots are a source of control over the Devil, but they could have been referred to as "them", "these", or anything else....just a constant "my spots" "my spots" "my spots" became annoying. If I remember correctly, she said "my spots" 4 times in one sentence. Other than that, it was a great book and still worth reading.
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