Tuesday, February 5, 2019

New Review! Rapture by N.N. Britt 3.5 Cranky Stars

RaptureRapture by N.N. Britt
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

3.5 Cranky Stars

Hazel is no stranger to the ultimate loss a parent never wants to feel. Instead of getting the proper help she goes on a downward spiral. She gets wine drunk every night and her marriage is in the process of a divorce. While hiding away and drowning her sorrows at her friends Tahoe cabin is where she meets Justice. They embark on a whirlwind of a relationship with most of it playing out in the public eye which honestly makes her spiral harder. She needs to get help but the only way out is to go through it and boy it’s a sad ride.

Justice is a front man for a unique rock band who basically sings soft core pornography songs. He is in the process of a divorce from a very acclaimed and manipulative actress who is determined to ruin his name and keep his son away. While hiding out at his cabin he meets Hazel. He is drawn to her need for saving and just basically how generally messy she is. He falls quick but knows this relationship is doomed from the start. He wants to keep her but she needs to work on herself first.

Let me explain why I decided to give this book three and a half stars. It felt chaotic I couldn’t grip just one thing happening and trust me there is a lot happening. Maybe it was just my brain trying to make sense of such an epic loss, alcoholism, divorce, a Marilyn Manson type band, and a myriad of other issues. I mean mid-way we took a trip to major kinky town and that just felt so sudden and foreign when a book is tackling such serious issues.

I think if maybe the book focused on Hazel and her loss and of course Justice and his life changes it would be an awesome story. I liked aspects of it, but I struggled. I’m not trying to deter anyone from reading this story maybe they will grasp all the elements and see that it is a good story.

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