Thursday, March 14, 2019

New Review! Piggybacker (Vessel of Lost Souls #1) by Mikki Noble 5 Cranky Stars

Piggybacker (Vessel of Lost Souls, #1)Piggybacker by Mikki Noble
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Cranky Stars

This is a very strange story concept and a little creepy. I gave it 5 stars though because I enjoyed it. Marley McCartney is just a typical high school senior until she is found with a knife in her stomach on her kitchen floor. After treatment at the hospital, she is admitted to a juvenile mental health facility. Everyone thinks she tried to commit suicide. Marley has no idea what happened that day but knows she didn’t stab herself.

There is nothing Marley wants more than to go home but her Mother is hesitant. Marley convinces her therapist that she is well enough to go home and won’t harm herself again. He agrees to discuss it with her Mother. As she stands in line for lunch, she hears a scream and a male voice yelling “Help Me.” She looks around but no one is there. Worse of all, her friend didn’t hear a thing.

When she goes to her room, she sees a young man standing there. He tells her he needs her help. Seems he died a few days ago and if she helps him, he can come back to life. He isn’t ready to permanently die yet. Once she goes home, she keeps hearing and seeing him but is afraid to tell anyone. Finally, she agrees to help him. This leads to quite the adventure for her, her best friend from school and the girl she met in the health center. I thought the title was weird and I wouldn’t like it, but I couldn’t put it down.

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