Thursday, March 28, 2019

New Review! Savior by Fiona Cole 5 Cranky Stars

SaviorSavior by Fiona Cole
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Cranky Stars

Alexandra was 19 and worked hard for very little. She was always hungry and counting the pennies to make ends meet. She lives with her sister Leah, who wasn't much older (Irish Twins) but she was more streetwise. They were taken by their father to live in Ireland when young, but after he died they were shipped back to their mother in the US. Their mother was an addict and hardly on this planet, it was Leah that stepped up to the mark and watched out for Alex. When their mother was found dead Leah was just old enough to take responsibility of Alex. Times were tough and Leah met up with Oscar who not only got her addicted to drugs but beat her too. Now it was up to Alex to keep the filthy rotten trailer and get food etc. Alex spent most of her free time in the Library on the computers, when she came across an advert 'Give Up Your Virginity for $10,000' how tempting this was.

The deciding factor was when she went home and found that Leah had stolen the little bit of money she did have for drugs and when she confronted her Oscar tried to rape her. The next day she completed what she had to and pressed enter, but had to leave as they were closing. Across town Erik and Gerard had intercepted her message and tried to contact for a meet. When the arrangements were made Erik himself decided to go for the extraction as it didn't sound like a sex gang one. They met and Erik, even though he thought her very pretty gave her a hard time about who could have reached that email and where she could end up. Erik ended up taking her back to his place . Erik had a legit company with his friend Ian and as a side line Gerard sat in his little room looking out for vulnerable girls and extracting them before they ended up in the sex trade. Now the story starts as Erik's feelings get muddled and Alexandra's naivety gets her into trouble.

The past comes out about Erik and why he does this. A very intriguing book of people's emotions and the lengths they will go to, to deny them.

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