Friday, August 5, 2016

New Review! Colors of Immortality by J.M. Muller, 5 Cranky Stars

Colors of ImmortalityColors of Immortality by J.M. Muller
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

***** 5 cranky stars *****

I was recently in need of a genre change and this was the book to do it. The cover intrigued me and I was immediately hooked. It's been awhile since a YA Paranormal has held my attention and JM had my attention from the first word.

This is the story of 16 year old Daniel Thatcher. Son of druggie parents who lives with his ailing grandmother. The only one to show him love.

Fresh off a breakup he seeks to get back at his ex girlfriend and plans to attend a camping trip with his best friend and 2 beautiful girls. Break ups are dramatic at that age, people. Life happens and in his stead his friend Eric goes without him knowing. Disappearances happen and without giving too much away an epic journey begins. He meets a beautiful girl named Fantastia who is his sort of guide. She introduces him to another world and becomes many other things to our dear Daniel.

I normally tend to shy away or flip pages when books get to descriptive but JM Muller has a way of giving you enough without it being overboard. I pictured the land to be like stumbling into Disney but ran by an evil lady. There is also an interesting array of characters. I'm looking at you character who made me crave chips!! It will hold your interest from start to finish. She also includes a legend in the back that is a must read. It gives you a gruesome look into one of the characters. Seriously I'm now avoiding axes!! Read it you'll thank me or hate me because yuck.

Please read if you want to escape into a magical world. I can't wait for many, many more books by this sweet lady!!

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