New Review! Beast by Stephanie Alba, 4.5 Cranky Stars
Beast by Stephanie Alba
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
**** 4.5 Cranky Stars ****
I love Beauty and The Beast it's one I grew up with time and time again. This is 8 magical retellings of the beloved fairy tale. It was an adventure to read each story and find the little nuggets of clues linking current characters to the old. We see many appearances even the cutest little teacup in all the land.
Anthologies are a tricky mistress. You may not like every story told but this particular one had me devouring each story admiring how these authors turned this tale into another story. From a bookish teenage girl trying to find her way to a doctor and a nurse telling their secrets in the dark to a story of hope for two people facing serious challenges there is something for everyone. We go from current day to the past in the span of such a fantastic little book.
It's hard to write a review for these because some stories just stand out yet you want to give credit to everyone. In this particular case every author did an outstanding job. Some authors are my all time favorite and some I will certainly be looking up again. I really wanted some stories to go on forever and some we're just the perfect amount.
This Cranky girl recommends that every fan of this fairy tale pick up this book and take the journey plus it's all for a good cause. What's not to love?
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