New Post! Twisted Boundaries by Michelle Horst, 5 Cranky Stars

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
**** 5 Cranky Stars ****

Twisted Boundaries could not be a more perfect title for this amazing story of tragedy, revenge, and the will to survive and love again. This is a crossover between two brilliant series (the other being the Tainted Ink series) by Michelle Horst, and can be read as a stand alone, but I encourage you to read the whole series. It’s beautifully chaotic and you will be drawn into the dark and emotional world these characters bring to life.

This is Cole and Bridget’s (Birdie to some people) story, and it starts us off at the beginning, when they were teenagers. Birdie had a horrid start at life, and very few people know the truth behind her shyness and affliction towards people. Cole brings out feelings in her she never dreamed she could have, being her complete opposite, he’s strong willed, protects his loved ones, and loves fiercely.

Although neither admits their true feelings towards one another for literal years, they have the most magnetic connection. It draws you in and shows you what absolute love and cherishing someone with all your heart and soul can really be like. Their story had me in tears all the way through, between their separate lives and when they’re rejoined after 6 yrs, that being when Cole returns from the military.

Cole steps back into town, depressed and angry, after losing his best friend in the war, not knowing the demons that have been circling Birdie, and resurfacing into the present. All he sees is the beautiful angel he left behind, and all he knows it that he will fight to bring her out of the darkness she’s surrounded by. The scars of both their pasts will test them in every way possible, but the two of them together just might break through that unbearable wall of heartache.

Cole and Birdie have taken over my heart; they are two of the most precious characters I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading about. They’re the true testament to surviving your past to make your present all you want it to be.

Absolutely beautiful!
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