New Review! Errors and Exorcisms (The Wrong Witch #3) by Annie Anderson 5 Cranky Stars

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
5 Cranky Stars

I'm sure we've all said I want a man/woman who would burn down heaven and hell for me. Wren Acosta has just that in Nico. When she is whisked away against her own violation he spends his days finding her. When she is returned life isn't what she left it as. Savannah is on fire and Nico is a changed man. She must battle her toughest foe and learn things about herself that she didn't want to face.

I love Wren. She's normal and accepts her gifts with grace. She fights for her family and friends to the bitter end. Nico is the perfect alpha. I'm once again sad to see another Annie Anderson series end but I'm excited for what's next.
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