Release Date: September 23, 2018
Cover Design: Hang Le
Photographer: Michael Stokes
We’ve all done it, salivated
Over a guy at the gym, imagined the unimaginable.
Wanted what we can’t have.
Only my fantasy has turned into an obsession.
Every night like clockwork he’s there.
Every night like clockwork I’m ready.
I’m not the kind of girl who does this kind of thing and
he’s exactly the kind of man that does.
He’s as sexy AF.
Dominant as all hell.
Built like a machine.
And when he turns up at my work
My worst f**king nightmare.
I swipe my key through the door scanner. It’s 9:35 p.m and I’m late. After not wanting to come at all, and deliberating the whole thing for over an hour in the shower, I’m finally here.
I’m not really sure why, but what the hell. It can’t hurt, I suppose.
I walk into the gym and take a look around. There are a few guys working out at the back, plus a girl on the treadmill.
Great. He’s not even here.
All that over-analysing for nothing
Damn it.
After making my way onto the treadmill I start walking. I turn up the speed and begin to walk faster. I suppose I’ll have to actually work out then. What an anticlimax. I spent over an hour psyching myself up to be here, and he doesn’t even show up.
Fucking typical.
All men piss me off.
Oh well, it’s his loss.
Turning up the speed, I begin to jog, getting lost in the repetition. But when I look up into the mirror, I see him. There he is. He’s sitting on the weights bench in the corner, and flashing a slow sexy smile my way. He’s wearing a white T-shirt and navy sports shorts.
My stomach dances with excitement. I force him a smile, and then I look down, pretending to be uninterested.
God, he’s so….
He’s probably just a prop in this place. That’s what I would do if I owned a gym: pay gorgeous guys to hang out and make the girls swoon. It makes good business sense, that’s for sure.
I run for fifteen minutes, and he does weights as he watches me. To be honest, I wish he would look away because I’m dying over here. I can’t run for this long naturally. I’m totally showing off. I may go ass over tit at any moment and skin my knee to the bone.
One man finally leaves the gym, and then five minutes later the other one follows. The group of guys walk out the back, leaving only one woman in the gym who is doing sit ups. His eyes trail over to her, and I wonder is he thinking the same thing as me.
Buzz off, woman. Why are you in the gym so late, stupid?
I stop running and bring the treadmill back to a walking pace. I wipe my face with my towel, grateful when the lady packs up her things and leaves through the front door.
Brock’s eyes find mine in the mirror and a dark smile crosses his face.
Shit. My heart begins to beat faster. I keep walking, and he stands to make his way over to me.
“Hello,” he purrs.
I smile goofily. “Hi.” Why does he have to be so damn sexy? I can’t even pretend to be cool.
He puts his hand over mine on the handrail, and I feel an energy zap between us.
“I’ve been thinking about you all day,” he says.
My eyes hold his as my stomach flips. “Y-you have?” I pant.
He nods slowly, his eyes not leaving mine for a single second.
“What were you thinking about?” I ask.
“I was thinking that I need to talk to you in private.”
God, is he for real? “Is that so?” I look around the empty gym. “Is that why you had to wait for everyone to leave to come and talk to me?”
“Well, I didn’t want anyone to be suspicious of the two of us talking the other night in the bathroom.”
“Talking?” I smirk. “Is that what you call it?”
He smiles sexily, and my stomach clenches yet again. Don’t smile at me like that.
“Yes.” He pauses as he rolls his lips, as if amused. “It was a very stimulating conversation.”
I smile as I continue to walk.
“For some more than others,” he adds.
Unable to help it, I laugh. “Yes, it was a very stimulating conversation that we had the other night.”
His eyes hold mine. “Did you enjoy it?”
What’s it going to be? I get a vision of Simon last night with that girl.
Sink or swim.
“I did.” Our eyes are locked. “Very much, actually.”
Oh, this guy makes me want to be a dirty whore.
Satisfaction flashes across his face and he licks his lips. He runs his hand up my forearm, his eyes following his touch. “I have something else to tell you.”
I act surprised. “You do?”
“I do.”
“What is it?”
“I can’t tell you here, Pocket.” His eyes rise to my lips.
“Why not?” I feel the burn of his gaze.
“It’s private.”
He takes his hand off my arm, and it causes me to frown. I hate the loss of his touch. “So, where do you want to tell me this private information?” I ask as I play along.
“We should probably talk where we talked last time.” He rolls his lips to hide his smile, he likes this game.
“Really?” I widen my eyes.
He nods slowly. “Really.”
I continue to walk on the treadmill.
“So, I’m going to go into the discussion room now.”
“The discussion room?” I widen my eyes and laugh. “You are something else.”
“I know,” he chuckles, and then gestures up to the ceiling. I look up, following his direction.
There’s a camera…
“I’m going to go into the discussion room, and in five minutes, you should do the same.”
“But, they’ll see us?” I whisper.
“No, they won’t. Once you come into the bathroom, you just have to stay in there for five minutes. If we don’t enter or leave together, the tapes won’t be looked at. Not unless there is an incident and they have to be watched back.
“Oh.” I frown, and without another word he disappears up the hall with his gym bag. I walk for another five minutes with my heart beating out of control. This is so naughty, so freaking hot, and I have to say, so out of character for me that it’s not even funny.
I’ll just go and talk to him—see what he has to say. I hope he kisses me again. His kiss was to die for. Who the heck is this guy, anyway?
I would never do this. I am not the sort of girl who meets up with guys in a public bathroom. My eyes flicker to the hallway as my excitement runs through me.
Am I?
I hit stop on the treadmill with my heart hammering in my chest. I take my towel and drink bottle, and then I walk up the hall to the bathrooms. I look up and see the camera at the end of the hall positioned so it shows all of the five bathroom doors clearly. I drop my head to hide my face.
As long as I don’t walk back out, he said I’m fine.
God, if anyone ever knew I was doing this, I’d die.
I walk to the end door and take the handle in my hand. I pause for a moment and close my eyes. My heart is banging, and I look back up the hall one more time. Should I go? No. Just do it.
I open the door and rush in, quickly closing the door behind me. I flick the lock and turn around.
The room is filled with steam and the shower screen is open. Brock is naked in the shower when he turns to face me.
His large shoulders and chest have soap over them, and his hair is already wet. His stomach is rippled with muscles, and his huge hard cock hangs heavily between his legs.
He smiles sexily. “Took your time, Pocket.”
Oh, dear God. Holy. Fucking. Shit.
“Brock!” I frown as I stare at him. “What the hell are you doing?”
I glance back to the door, damn it. I can’t leave for a few minutes.
He looks at me casually and rubs the soap in across his chest. “Taking a shower, what does it look like?”
“You’re incredible.” I shake my head in disgust. “I’m leaving right now.”
“Why?” He gives me a slow sexy smile and holds his hands out to the side. “Taking a shower is a perfectly natural thing. I wanted to be clean for our conversation.”
“You want to have a conversation with me with,” I gesture to his groin, “with your dick hanging out.”
He looks down at himself, and then back up at me. “Does my dick offend you?”
“Yes,” I gasp. “Your dick offends me.”
I glance down again. That is the most beautiful dick I’ve ever seen. Okay, sure, I haven’t seen many, but I’m still sure it’s the most perfect one there is. For fuck’s sake, this guy is so over confident, I don’t even have words to describe him, and why the hell is it turning me on?
This is un-fucking-believable. How on earth did I get myself into this situation?
Brock continues to rub soap over his chest, eventually lathering his groin area up, too. I have to concentrate on not looking down again.
“Why?” he asks.
I frown. “Because… because…” I look around as I search for the right choice of words. “It’s the assumption you make that I am comfortable with you being naked when I’m not.” I shake my head and throw my hands in the air. “I’m so not.”
“If it makes you feel more comfortable, I am completely fine with you taking your clothes off, too.” He shrugs casually. “You know, for our discussion.”
I smirk. Of all the hide. “You’re an idiot.”
He smiles that sexy smile again, and I feel my insides begin to melt. “I prefer to think I’m just honest.”
“How is this being honest?”
“Well.” He pauses as a moment as he soaps his groin up again.
“Will you stop doing that!” I snap. “It’s very distracting.” I concentrate hard on keeping my eyes focused on his face.
“Big dicks don’t lie,” he says, raising his brow.
I stare at him, completely lost for words, even though I really want to howl with laughter. “You did not just say that?”
One of Five ARC's for Gym Junkie
About the Author
Originally from Sydney, Tee Swan now resides in a dreamy beachside town on the South Coast of Australia with her hunk of a hubby, their three children and a menagerie of spoilt pets.
She loves Margaritas, Chocolate and a swoony good book with a strong storyline. With a background in Mental Health, Tee writes characters that you want be friends with, strong alphas to fall in love with and witty women you want to be.
When she is not writing you will find her in a cafe drinking coffee and eating cake.
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